Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Walden Translation

In my mind he left the distractions of modern life to live out on his own to try and fined a better way to teach what he knows and to have a better feel of that he teaches.
He speaks of us being like ants, Just fallowing a trail, being told what to do, who to be, and I know exactly were hes going with it. Think about it, When do we stop and look at the tiny details? We live life day by day doing the same thing and experiencing the same thing over and over and over. When do we look around us at all the new? You know how your weekend seems to go by faster then the others? Its because we don't experience new thing and our minds don't expand. Look at the video of my first post on this blag and you will see.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Be careful for minor details on your blog. Remember this could be used as a future resource for employers. Just a heads up, virtual TA's are now online and checking on your blogs on a regular. Best of luck!
